Lyric Drama in Four Acts by Michele Carafa
Masaniello, the unfortunate hero of the popular uprising against the Spanish in Naples, has often been the main character in operas and dramas, and here with particular success: Michele Carafa was soon regarded by his contemporaries as “the composer of Masaniello,” which became his most successful work, although he wrote many good operas, including “I due Figaro,” which was revived in Bad Wildbad in 2006 to great acclaim. For Carafa, who came from a Neapolitan noble family, the theme of Masaniello was almost personal, as he had to flee to France as a Bonapartist after the return of the Bourbons. In Paris, Carafa became Rossini’s closest friend and daily companion on horseback rides (the military Carafa) or carriage rides (the comfortable Rossini) in the Bois de Boulogne. He was a highly respected composer, whose only misfortune, according to Rossini, was that he lived at the same time as him. This opera was so popular that the performance materials were even printed. The opera has a large cast and features seven tenor roles alone. A challenge!
- Leona | Catherine Trottmann
- Masaniello | Mert Süngü
- Torellas | Luis Magallanes
- Ruffino | Nathanael Tavernier
- Theresia | Camilla Carol Farias
- Matteo | Hyunduk Kim
- Governor/Giacomo | Francesco Bossi
- Pedro/A Charlatan | Massimo Frigato
- Musical Rehearsal | Cecile Restier
- Conductor | Nicola Pascoli
There will be an introduction one hour before each opera performance.
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